Puppy Shopping? The Pet Problem That’s Actually a Myth

According to many pet owners, hairless animals are hypoallergenic. We’re sorry to burst the allergy-free bubble, but this is actually not the case. The good news? You don’t have to buy that strange, fur-free feline you’ve seen online. Yes, the sphynx cat – we’re undecided on our feelings about this one.

 Ina conversation with parents.com, Dr. Vincent Tubiolo, a California-based allergist explains that animals do not need to be furry to cause itchy eyes,runny noses and endless sneezing. “Keep contact to a minimum,” he advises, before explaining that any animal has the potential to trigger an allergy, not only the long-haired dogs and cats who leave a trail of fur wherever they go.

 If you have children and you’re thinking about adopting an animal, we advise you to visit your GP with them beforehand to establish whether or not they have an allergy. If you already have an animal at home, you can follow our pet allergy tips here to ensure your home is as dander-free as possible.







Tags: #WhiteLab #SensioAIR#healthcareanalytics #patientdata #medical #treatment #children #child#childallergies #allergies #allergy #asthma #parenting #childhood #symptoms#animals #animalallergy #dogallergy #catallergy #allergist


[Imagecourtesy of Andrew Branch / Unsplash]

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