3 Important Reasons to Know the Real - Time Air Quality in Your Location

It might not be at the top ofyour to-do list but knowing the real-time air quality in your area is of vitalimportance. You might not think twice when it comes to letting your little onesplay outside on a sunny afternoon – but looks can be deceiving. If the pollencount or pollution levels are especially high and your children are susceptibleto hay fever or other respiratory issues, it’s not the best idea to let themspend excessive periods of time outdoors. On poor air quality days, encourageindoor play – especially if your children have asthma or are prone to seasonalallergies. The same goes for pollution. If you’re able to check the air aroundyou and it’s showing moderate to high levels of particulate matter, you’ll knowto keep the bikes for another day.  

 Here, we round up three situationsthat highlight the importance of keeping tabs on the real-time air quality inyour area, wherever you may be.


When it comes to exercising,we all have our preferences. Some of look forward to our early morning weightssession at the gym, while others enjoy a post-work run through theirneighbourhood in the evenings. Regardless, it’s worth knowing what the outside airis like before heading to your workout. Exercising means a faster heart rate,and in turn, quicker breathing. If the air is contaminated with pollen andpollution, it’s worth trading the track for a treadmill to avoid breathing inharmful particles that could wreak havoc with your health. Remember - you’ll bedoing yourself more harm than good if you exercise in poor air.


If you’re fortunate enough tolive within walking distance from your workplace, you probably enjoy the walkor cycle to your 9 to 5. However, it’s necessary that you check the air qualitybefore leaving the house in the mornings. When there’s high levels ofpollution, an increased pollen count or both, even a short journey to workcould trigger respiratory symptoms such as coughing, chest tightness andshortness of breath. Instead of exposing yourself to allergens and irritants, tryto take an alternative route that avoids very green areas or congested roads.As for cyclists? The findings are varied. Some studies have implied that urbancyclists are exposed to lower levels of pollution for two reasons. Firstly,they’re traveling at a faster speed than those who walk, and secondly becausethey’re in a more ventilated environment than those at the driver’s seat instandstill traffic. Regardless, staying up-to-date with the air quality meanscyclists can plan their routes ahead of time, and avoid unwanted respiratorysymptoms.


If you’re a parent, or haveelderly parents, knowing the current state of the air is hugely important - childrenare still developing and are at a higher risk when it comes to pollen andpollution. However, elderly people are just as easily affected by poor air. Instudy published in the Journal of Thoracic Diseases, the writers commenton the correlation between air pollution and chronic obstructive pulmonarydisease (COPD) and asthma. It reads, “It seems that the elderly subjects aremore vulnerable to particulate matter (PM) than to other pollutants, withparticular effect on daily cardio-respiratory mortality and acute hospitaladmissions.” By paying attention to the air quality in your area, you can makea huge difference to the health and overall wellbeing of both your little onesand older family members.


Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4311079/

[Image courtesy of Joel de Vriend/ Unsplash]

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